Springwood Road SS Chaplaincy

Springwood Road SS Chaplaincy

Springwood Rd State School Chaplaincy and Promitsio Coffee can now provide with great coffee with benefits far beyond your coffee cup.

Every online purchase from this page,  will directly invest into Chaplain Mel’s work at Springwood Road State School.

To view the full range of products available, simply click on any of the links below.



Click on the box below to see the available options:

Coffee beans red button   Drink choc red button   Specialty Tea red

All orders placed with Promitsio as a result of clicking any of the links within this page will result in a direct financial contribution to Springwood Rd State School

Chappy Mel at Woodridge SS Spring Fair 2013The chaplaincy service at Springwood Rd State School is provided for all students, staff and their families regardless of race, religion or values. All matters raised are dealt with in the strictest confidence and without judgement. Part of my role is to network and link with other professionals/businesses in the area to provide the best care possible for those in need of a little assistance. I work with the Guidance Officers, Youth workers and other school staff to provide pastoral care, spiritual, social & emotional support and personal development to our students. I am here to help and care for the students and school community by being the listener, the supporter and the encourager.

